Can I cancel my order?
Unfortunately, we're unable to cancel an order once it's placed.
Once you receive your item(s), you can return them in accordance with our Returns Policy. Please see here for instructions on returning your order. -
Can I change the size or colour of an item after I've placed my order?
Once your order has been placed, we're unable to modify your order. This includes changing the colour or size of an item, and adding or removing items from your order.
Once you receive your item(s), you can return them in accordance with our Returns Policy and place a new online order for the correct product. Please see HERE for instructions on returning your order. -
Can I update my delivery address after I've placed my order?
Our team work quickly to get orders picked, packed and out the door to you - so we can't guarantee that we'll be able to update your delivery address.
If you have just placed your order, or you have not received a tracking number:
Please contact our Kappa Crew here.
There is a short window of time before it's ready to be shipped that we may be able to update the address for you.
If you have been sent a tracking number:
We are unable to update a delivery address once an order has been packed.
Please get in contact with StarTrack on 13 23 45 and provide them with your tracking number. There is a small window in which they may be able to update your address. Any address updates successfully completed by StarTrack will add an additional business day for delivery on top of the standard delivery time.